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West Word - March 2024


Spring is well and truly here despite lulling us into a false sense of sunshine and warmth. We had some bitterly cold winds and some sleet to remind us we are not quite out of Winter just yet. Canna hats remain firmly on Canna heads for the time being. 

Vicki was cleaning the community shop when an unusual shopper decided to pop in. An otter meandered through the door and plopped itself down on the doormat. They eyeballed each other for a few seconds before the otter turned tail and sauntered up the path towards Tighard. It left an otter shaped imprint on the doormat. We wondered what an otter would shop for in Canna…….maybe it was looking for a new Canna t-shirt, or a Canna Press Company print for its holt, or a copy of the new Cafe Canna recipe book……or maybe it was just after a free ice cream, a packet of crisps or a special otter. Who knows? 

That’s right, dear reader, the Cafe Canna recipe book has been launched! You can pick up a copy in numerous shops up and down the West Coast, in our community shop or you can order it online. The book has all the delicious Cafe Canna recipes inside with helpful hints and tips on foraging as well as beautiful photographs of the island and community. Cafe Canna will be opening for the season on Saturday 20th April. 

The farm has welcomed the first of the calves. The field at Tarbert now has a calf of each colour and a new Beltie calf has appeared in the field behind Caslum. It won’t be long until lambing starts and the Zwartbles and Kerryhills are already in the barn….who will be first?

The Zwartbles are enjoying all the extra head pats and scratches from passing islanders while the Kerryhills remain in their perpetual state of “what the hell?”. 

The renewables maintenance team had some training from SD Wind on how to take down a wind turbine. There are several new members of the team and it was good to get them up to scratch on how all the gear works to enable us to carry out maintenance on the system. 

This weekend saw the community do a beach clean. After the winter storms, there is a large amount of marine litter on the shores. We spent Saturday morning doing the main part of the bay and managed to fill numerous bags with small bits of plastic as well as clearing some of the larger pieces. It is a perpetual process with every new tide bringing in more marine litter. If you are coming to Canna for a visit, why not grab a bag and volunteer for an afternoon?

Fergus and Jackson took their owners up to the trig point on Canna. The island looked spectacular in the Spring sunshine and both dogs thought the walk was a great one to do if you are visiting Canna this season.



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