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Westword - May 2023


The farm was busy coming to the end of lambing with only 3 stubborn mothers remaining in the big barn. I think one of them was just along for the ride and wasn’t actually having a lamb. There’s good eating in the barn at this time of year!

The farm also took delivery of 2 new bulls - one red Belted Galloway and one shorthorn. Resplendent beasts of muscle and sinew landed ashore and straight into Hen Run Park to enjoy the Canna grass. 

The month of May brought preparations for the legendary Canna 10K Trail Run which took place on Saturday 20th May. The weather was overcast and cool which I am told is better for running than blazing sunshine. We had a new start and finish line this time around so Pete was out measuring the course and putting in markers for year on year accuracy. The day before the run he spent the day hammering all the painted signs for the 10K ensuring all the runners knew where to go and how far they had to go. Simpsons Builders made a very fetching finish line! There was a good atmosphere on the day and we had 48 Runners plus their supporters. 

First place - Female: Katrin Bach - 0.51.04

Second place - Female: Stephanie Morris - 0.52.31

Third place - Female: Amy MacDonald - 0.54.30

First place - Male: David Allaway - 0.49.26

Second place - Male: Andrew Moss - 0.51.20

Third place - Male: Alastair Cunningham - 0.52.20

All runners were around the course pretty quickly and most of them crossed the finish line with a smile on their faces! Each runner received a goodie bag and was treated to the hearty BBQ manned by Dod and his son, David. The ceilidh started at 7pm with the Glenfinnan Ceilidh Band leading the dancing. They are a superb ceilidh band and had everyone up and dancing in no time. No reeling injuries this year to speak of!

In the following days, the island had a quiet, subdued air after the busyness of the weekend. We also had a cruise boat visit that day so on that Saturday the island was absolutely heaving. A reminder to residents of what the arrival of the Summer season is like. I had forgotten how busy it gets after the quietness of Winter. It can be a slight shock to the system.  

Photos by Margaret Willington



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